Sunday, July 3, 2011

I had a enjoyable afternoon

today, making some nice gains in my book. I don't know if I want to read WWW right away, I think I'll wait until I have them all signed, which means by April when RJS comes out here again. After this book, I'm going to start on George RR Martin's "Song of ice and fire" series

The game got off to a rough start with an episode of hail the size of a quarter that delayed the game. The Riders turned the ball over 4 times giving the Eskimos their first win for 2011 42-28! Best Eskimo game I've seen as a long time and they won it at Mosiac, which is usually tough for any team to win in.

After the game I walked around by Sifton school out back here down towards the church and back along Wyndham crossing and home along 137th Ave. I pace was casual and slow. unhurried. But on the way back heading East I was assaulted by a torrent of Mosquitoes. I got eaten alive! The rain we had last week brought them out. But the surprising thing about my walk is usually I have to sit down at the City bus stops along the way. This time I didn't need to sit at all and that's what surprised me.

Since somehow my Google had been taken out (how I don't know and I cant reinstall it for some reason) I used Google maps to go back to the old area I used to live in from 1983-2000. I lived in 3 different places during those years but I wanted to check out a house I used to deliver the Edmonton Sun to 1997-1999. The house from the 2009 location is more or less as I remember it but the area is changing. The houses are bigger and newer and look artificial somehow when stacked against older homes beside them. Here's an example of what I mean: The newer home is worth on the market something like half a million The house beside it was probably built in the 1950's for about $20,000. I wonder what the property values of the house beside it are? I don't like all these glizy houses moving into the area. It somehow degrades the character of the area. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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