Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Having fun working on a

track this morning before bed, so this is going to be a short post as I want to read for half an hour.

I'm also getting eaten alive by all the bugs floating in around here, driving me nuts.

I had a good day on the job yesterday but I had a bit of a headache but I forgot to take my insulin when I came home. I like these hours but it's hard for me to get into a routine with my insulin with these hours. I don't trust leaving my insulin in the fridge where strangers linger around. I keep missing my insulin when I come home. I should take it as soon as I come in. I went and set my alarm on my Ipod to go off at 10pm Tuesday/Friday to remind myself to take my insulin when I come home. I can take anything with it like some cereal or something or even a left over sandwich.

I read now when ever I can. For about half an hour in the mornings before work. On my commute, on my breaks at work and until Anne comes home. The rest of the time, I'm working on my music. What I'm trying to do is to get a program called Team Viewer (I've used before) to get one of the east Indian kids to sync up with my laptop and get into  my Linux from a remote location. He's our go to tech support guy in the office and was the fellow that got me FL Studio last October. The idea is to show me how to refresh my hardware devices in Linux so I can get my wifi up and running synced with my gmail where I've subscribed to SF Daily And my Itouch. That's the plan. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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