Monday, July 4, 2011

With all this time off I composed only 2 diary entries including todays?

That’s because I’m putting most everything on Blogger now.

It didn’t dawn on me until it hit me this morning that Anne has only about 60% of our rent money. That’s not going to cut it (She knows this, as soon as she knows I’m trying to save money for something, she starts spending our rent money.) I haven’t told her yet but I’ve got my bank card ($160) and $40 cash so that should bring us up to 75% of our rent and that’s a lot easier to live with saying to the caretaker: “Here’s 75% the rest will be here next week instead of the 50% she thinks I think she’s going to pay. She knows I wont let her get away with paying 50% of our rent.

I woke up shortly before 1pm, just couldn’t sleep earlier what with my broken front tooth causing me some grief. I’d love to have the time to go in and get them all taken care of and I’m going to set things up with my new Doctor to see if firstly he can set me up with a dentist that can do the work while I’m unconscious. That’s the first option. If not set me up with a dentist that will accept AW and maybe while I have my week off in early September, I can get it done.

So now I don’t know what I‘m going to do if I cant save any money for something? I was hoping to get “Battery 3” this weekend but now with this rent crisis, so much for that idea. Most likely L&M have it at their warehouse in Toronto, which means I‘ll have to wait a week anyway. I‘ll call their local office here before I post this and see if they have it in stock. Not that I‘m going to get this product anytime soon maybe in early August with FL Studio X from the pension money Anne‘s going to get. If she gets it on a Friday, chances are I‘ll have it for Saturday and I can go get Battery and then over to the Axe FL Studio and then get the RRSP from my Scotia bank Monday. Unless of course Anne protests this batch of the $200 I‘d like to give her. Whenever she gets out of bed. I had to wake her at about 6am this morning because I needed a Advil but that was partially a ruse because I wanted to talk to her about the rent. I had an option to do just this earlier this morning before bed.

How then am I supposed to be able to save any money if Anne knows I have any to save? Well in about a year from now (if Diabetes hasn’t taken my life) I‘ll be getting my CPP pension worth about what it would cost for an Ntendo 3DS at today’s market. If your reading this say 500 years after this date (Fat chance) an Ntendo 3DS is/was a handheld gaming device. The thing is I can‘t see myself saving any money if Anne knows I am and she keeps spending it on me.

Those of us that don’t have at our jobs a direct bank deposit option and that‘s a small majority get their pay on Friday. The rental office was closed this last Friday (July first) so most people here are paying their rent today. Including Anne (who watch will hold an eviction notice over my head if she doesn’t see me flinch at the 50% of our rent before she goes down to pay. So today she gets her way and she gets my $200 just so she can “make a point.” “Capital place gets it.” News flash Anne, every place is Capital place. We‘re lucky we have this place that lets us have 3 cats. Most places will barely let us have 1 cat and we have Boots so that‘s 4 cats.
Also this means now I can‘t take 2 days off anymore. I have to work Monday through Friday and every other Saturday so that‘s 40/44 hours in a week.

I contacted L&M and of course they don’t have Battery 3 in stock. It‘s going to take about 2-3 weeks before I can even get it and I may as well get FL Studio X Signature edition because it‘s here in town retail and that's a good thing. If I order Battery 3 I‘ll need to put a deposit on it anyways which means a trip to L&M but they have the Mother‘s music location on 109th I can set it up there. I knew it was a long shot to have me think they would actually have it in stock. “What was I thinking?” Oh and L&M said they'd have to order it directly from Native Instruments meaning 2-3 weeks. Sigh...Anyway, that‘s about all for today.

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