Friday, August 23, 2013

Just for the record

I'm not gay but I'm not going to come out and bash gay people because they are, it's their business. A bit of a rant coming up. The only problem I have with gays is this preoccupation every year to hold a Pride parade. I know why they have it. I don't understand why they need to have a parade every year to celebrate they're sexuality. Last year when I was working on a hot Summer Saturday afternoon I watching the Pride parade on my way to Corona station to get the LRT for home. I made eye contact with someone on a float and I gave a thumbs up. As I left I heard someone behind me say the F word in my direction. That's just a sample of hateful people in this world and the cretins we have that can't let others different then them live in peace. Your Gay, so what and if anyone says you can't do this or be this because your gay, is not what I'm about. In Russia they have a zero tolerance policy for their gay people. That's not a country I'd like to live in. Our country is inclusive of every religion and sector of our society. If my gay friends are persecuted I'll stand shoulder to shoulder and support them in anyway I can. I thank God I was born in this country.

I found this story in today's i09. A Bulgarian archaeologists have unearthed a medieval bronze ring that might have been used for political murders some 700 years ago. You can read about it here.

Yes, I know. I had the Al's to win on my Proline ticket and in a real thriller, they won based on a field goal at the last second: 38-39! I needed the Al's to win but by more then 3 points. I've got another chance to redeem myself as tonight it's Calgary at Toronto, maybe I should pick them to tie. The Argo's might win 34-37, that's a tie Proline win. I'm going to pick all ties. Better odds as well, better payout.

Thanks to Coast For this: On this day in 565, the Irish monk St. Columba is said to have made the first sighting of the Loch Ness "monster." I'm surprised the monk wasn't executed for witchcraft for reveling his assertion. The monk was probably staying at Urquhart Castle.

I was going to go into Canada place this afternoon but we have to give Sporty his fluids before Anne leaves for work. He took them well yesterday. When the bag is gone he should be ok. I'm up about 10am to go down to the Superstore get my Proline ticket for the last 3 CFL games this weekend and maybe a bag of chips as well. Minimum games on a CFL Proline ticket is 3. 

Uh-oh another rant. "What's he going on about this time?" There's a movement in Quebec that's trying to ban all forms of religious head gear such as hijabs, turbans and kippas. The rational is to separate religious groups based upon what they wear so that they are Quebecker's first and religious supporters second. A lot of businesses don't allow t-shirts with sports logos, or mussel shirts, that sort of thing. They have a dress code. I don't agree with it this kind of behavior. If someone wants to wear a turban so what? Their not trying to convert anyone. The worst offenders of that behavior are Christians, especially people that have bibles at their desk. So now Quebec Premier Pauline Marois is looking into it, yeesh. Can we hold another referendum on Quebec separation please? It's been known to happen. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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