Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our Siamese

cat is on his last legs. Anne took him into the vet yesterday morning to have his fluid looked at a tube down his throat and an appetite enhancer and his system flushed out. We got him back about 6pm and so far he hasn't eaten anything. That's what's worrying us the most at this stage. We're going to give him a few more days but at $200 a session like that we can't repeat the process as it's just going to drain us. We can help him along the way only so far and give him up until Thursday night. If after that  there's no change, then we'll be putting him down.The cat's only 8 years old which makes it sad. We think we should have had their shots while they were still in the litter and then take them home. What can you do?

Art Bell on radio again? It seems Art has a new show called, "Art Bell's Dark Matter," on Sirius XM Radio beginning on September 16, 2013. I'll still be listening to Coast because Coast is on AM radio which is free. Sirus is subscription based.

I had a short shift yesterday morning from 9-12:30pm. It's not what I'd hoped for. I was hoping to have my hours back 7.5 but I have a couple more weeks of this until the end of the month. Then I'm 1-9, which is ok. I might even do a odd Saturday morning in there as well, we'll see.

After work I went over to Audrey's and bought Horus Heresy book #16 and then cashed in  my club points and bought #22 and #23. There are 4 more books but not released in paperback yet. Also, there is one more Space Marine Battles book out now. I also have a bunch of David Webber's coming in but I'm not buying 2-3 books at a time for awhile yet.

So, I'm off today in for Wednesday from 9-12:30 off for the weekend and next week is a repeat of this week. I've got my income tax return saved for times like this. That's the trouble with research jobs you get maybe 8 months on and 3-4 months off, without pay. Anyway, that's all for now.

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