Friday, October 11, 2013

A lot going on yesterday and today so lets get


Canadian author Alice Munro won the Nobel prize for literature. Apparently she retired from writing but after winning the Nobel she said she's reconsidering one more shot. To be honest I've never heard of her but this is great news for Canada I'm happy she won.

The other thing I wanted to talk about today is a Facebook conversation I'm having, in Groups. I recall something that happened in the Summer of 1967 before I went in for my back operation. It was the birthday of a old friend of mine. We were both teens and into Star Trek. The closest hobby shop to us (at the time I knew  of) was in the Caribou shopping centre just South of Lougheed Mall. My buddy wanted the AMT Star Trek Enterprise Model. How heard about it even being there I don't know. So I went with him. it was a beautiful summer day as it usually is in the lower mainland that time of year. After he bought the model he bought us Pizza. We ate it in the bushes behind the mall. Back to the Facebook conversation, which was about Hobby shops as I'm trying to see if anyone in this group that go back that far remembers the name of the hobby shop. One  poster said he remembered my friend, even identified his wife by name. They lived in the same apartment building together before my friend moved into a house. My friend worked at the Vancouver golf club all his life and the poster said he probably retired from there. I'm trying to accomplish several things with this post. First to find the name of that hobby shop and to see if anyone recalls another hobby shop I used to go to called Raceway hobbies in Vancouver. For all I know both of these hobby shops might have survived late into the 1990's. Also to see if anyone knew my friend and sure enough to my surprise somebody did. I'd go to hobby shops all the time to get my wargaming fix and Napoleonic models, which I used to build and paint. Most of that stuff didn't make my migration to Edmonton in 1978. The poster replied back saying he hadn't seen my friend in over 20 years. My friend's wife was drinking a lot, but that's all the poster said about her.

The other item more closer to home yesterday just by chance I checked my RBC bank and my first cpp cheque came in. It's another chapter in my life. It's kind of bitter sweet for me because it just means I'm getting a little closer to full retirement. My sister in law in Sydney NS took out her early retirement as well. She's a breast cancer survivor and I'm diabetic. She was a teacher for most of her life and me, just a living from pay cheque to pay cheque. Yet she got twice as much then I did for all she did the difference between the two "careers" as far as cpp goes is like night and day. It also serves as a reminder to me that being a full pensioner is only a full years away.   

Today (I hope) I'm in for a easy 4 hours and out by 7:00pm. With any luck at all I might be able to catch whats left of the BC/Calgary football game. Saturday is a full day.

I was hoping to get some cpp back pay for months delayed while my claim was being finalized. I was going to use that towards a new computer. That's not going to happen. My next plan is to breath some new life into my old Acer laptop clone and install a 1 Tb SSHD drive. If the drive doesn't work at least the target drive would still work and I can use the SSHD drive in a near future desktop. Anyway, that's all for now.

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