Monday, October 28, 2013

There goes another one

as it was announced on last nights news Lou Reed founder of the Velvet Underground died at the age of 71. Lou Reed was 10 years older then me but his music was in my consciousness. He was sponsored in the mid 1960's by Andy Warhol the avant-garde Manhattan artist that founded The Factory. Lou Reed had only 1 #1 hit song: "Walk on the wild side." A lot of rock n' roll artists were influenced by Lou Read,most notably David Bowie, who helped Lou Reed with Reed's album "Transformer." I enjoyed most of Reeds music and sad by his passing. Lou Reed passed away from complications of a liver transplant. Last year it was David Jones of the Monkees. Who's next Iggy Pop?

We figured out how to use the video camera in the recent iOS update. With that and Kingston mobile lite we can store tons of stuff and access it over wifi on the iPad.

I'm at my desk at noon ready to start and the supervisor before shift, begins with how upper management or whatever is going to be looking at the coding of this current project from each employee today and make decisions. My coding did not start off good during the first part of this current project but if I get pulled from this project and there's nothing else coming, I wont come back. That being said I had a decent day on the job Sunday anyway, more or less meeting my obligations. If I get pulled off this project I have a plan B. $10/hour isn't great but its better then nothing. I'm also checking into local Kijiji and I have a couple of options there. One thing is for certain, I wont do market research again. Also, I'll be asking for my record of employment (roe) and filing for employment insurance (ei) ei won't pull my claim because I refuse to take a commission job. On my day off Tuesday, I'm going to Service Canada to set things up for their job bank. If I'm not removed from the project I'm still looking for another job.

Today I'm on the job about 2:30pm to start at 3pm and if I leave out of there still on this project, then that's a bonus. If not I'm still buying my Kingston device anyway after work and home to watch Monday night Raw and stay up late working on my new toy. I'm not going to lose any sleep over the job thing. Anyway, that's all for now.

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