Friday, December 27, 2013

First it was Anne and now

me that got the flue, or something. My flue symptoms occurred Monday night after work. A little tickle in the throat. Anne got her's Christmas eve after she came back from mass. I got mine Christmas afternoon but I didn't begin to feel it until yesterday. But I called in sick just to make sure. 

Apparently there will be 3 new high rise buildings going up in our downtown core, besides the Fox and Ultima towers currently under construction. One of which is the Ramsey block and 2 other high rises to be mentioned in the new year. Downtown Edmonton (activity wise) will look like 1980's boom.

I figured out what went wrong with my Cubase plug-ins being all grayed out. Reason for this is because its an affect  found in the affects tab not in the menu tab! In the Cubase "Inspector" left of the track lanes there's a noticeable blue e After clicking on that another screen comes up and it's all in there, sweet. After I get my computer upgrade I'm getting HAlion 5 and upgrading to Cubase 7 and then 7.5.

So I took the day off away from work and so did Anne. Hopefully I'll be at work tomorrow morning. I'm sure I'll be ok. Besides, I have some books to order at Audrey's, 3 Horus Heresy novels, a Space Marine Battles and Path of the Elders Omnibus. Great stuff. Anyway, that's all for now. .

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