Friday, December 6, 2013

I was the first 1 to arrive last night

but after doing my SW opening for some reason I totally I fucked up. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth other then gibberish. The DOC helped to bail me out. I rallied after that though. It was a special night, something I'll never forget. During the closing I did much better. The festive board was great. I had 2 pieces of lasagna and a cold can of beer. I was the last one (after shutting all the lights) to leave and locked up. 

About 5pm I'm off to our office Christmas party at my first job. I'm thinking about going out to Lodge tonight because. They Tyle at 7:30pm so I might just stay for an hour 6-7pm and head over to Lodge. Since I don't have to shut down or anything I'd be home or on the same train as Anne. If I get home before Anne she'd never know but I'm undecided on that. I'm up early Saturday for work at my 2nd job from10-2pm tomorrow. I might pop in for a beer at BP's Saturday later afternoon and come home and watch what's left of the Oiler/Flame's game. If that isn't enough I'm working Sunday 10-6pm for 7.5 hours and Tuesday it's off to Lodge again for another installation. Plus on the 16th we're having another Christmas party at my other job but I'm not that comfortable going to a Christmas party for a job I began only 2 days before.

On a more serious note, by this time the world has learned of the passing of Nelson Mandela. This was a man that fought for the freedom of his people. Upon his being jailed he would be an instant martyr. Maybe his jailers hoped Mandela would die in jail but world public opinion was enough to have him released. In his later years he saw that freedom realized. The yoke of apartheid and tyranny had been evaporated. Hopefully never more to manifest again. Attitudes like apartheid do belong in our society.    

Ok speaking about the Oiler's after Tuesday's horrible loss they bounced back last night big time beating Denver at Rexall 8-2!. It was a real blow out. Lately the Oilers win a game then lose a game. Following this pattern they'll should lose Saturday in Calgary. I hope I'm wrong. At least I get to sleep in today. Anyway, that's all for tonight.

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